Year 6 Curriculum 2023-24
Year 6 termly Curriculum Newsletters 2023-24
Year 6 PE sessions will be taught on a Tuesday and a Friday.
Please ensure that children wear their PE kit to school on these days - they should be in school PE kit.
Lessons will be outside as much as possible, so please ensure children are appropriately dressed as the weather gets colder.
Long hair should be tied up and no jewellery should be worn for health and safety reasons.
Weekly Homework
In order to start preparing the children for secondary school, we will no longer be expecting them to complete a termly homework project. Instead, children will be provided with a weekly Maths and English task. We want homework to be purposeful and each task will therefore consist of three sections: 'Last Week', 'This Week' and 'Next Week' which will enable both children and parents to recall prior learning, apply current learning and introduce future learning. Homework will be given out on a Wednesday and expected in on a Tuesday for marking. If children need help with their homework, we are happy to assist them with it in school - before the due in date. If they do not bring in their homework on a Tuesday, they will be expected to complete it during their break time.
Children will receive weekly spelling words and an accompanying activity on a Wednesday. It is important that they practice these words at home ready for a spelling test every Tuesday and return spelling homework on a Tuesday too.
It is extremely important that children are reading daily at at home and at school, for pleasure and for meaning. The children should also be able to discuss their book with you and answer questions about what they have read. This should be logged in their reading record. Please remind your children to bring their reading records and books into school every day, so that they can be checked by adults in school.
We would like to thank you for your support with your child's learning at home.
Useful Websites and Resources
To help your child prepare for their upcoming SATs examinations in May, we recommend the following:
In addition to this, children can access the following websites for free at home:
If you have any questions or would like any additional resources to support your child, please speak to Mr Grey on the gate or contact the School Office. Thank you once again for your support with your child's learning.