Art at Fox Hill
Intent - Our vision and what our children are going to learn
At Fox Hill Primary School, we:
- Believe that all children are artists.
- Celebrate creativity in all its forms, recognising individuality and intent.
- Deliver lessons that build children’s skills as artists, across a number of media, from early years to the end of key stage 2. For ease these skills have been categorised as drawing, painting, sculpture, printing and textile although there will be cross pollination between these categories.
- Deliver dedicated art lessons as well as using art to support teaching of other subjects, making art a commonly used learning tool.
- Create opportunities for children to experience art within the world in which they live and the impact it has had over history.
- Nurture a community of artists through provision of whole school art projects.
- Provide individual sketchbooks as a tool for the collection, practice, adaptation and trial of artistic techniques.
- Enable children to explore artistic techniques in a safe and supported environment.
- Expose children to artwork by a range of artists, designers and architects, the times in which they worked, their influence and their place within historic art movements.
- Aim to build children’s understanding of artistic vocabulary.
- Support discussions of art appreciation, encouraging children to understand artwork from the artist’s perspective as well as their reaction to it.
Implementation - How we teach Art at Fox Hill
What might you typically see?
- Sequenced lessons to teaching progression in each artistic skill each year.
- During initial lessons children will be encouraged to revisit previous knowledge, using sketchbooks where appropriate, to review previous projects and the techniques they learnt.
- Reviews of one or more artists, designers or architects. This will include their life and time, artwork and art appreciation discussion.
- Opportunities to learn new techniques and explore their application in creating artwork.
- Children using sketchbooks to gather ideas, plan their work and develop their own creative journey.
- Celebration of the creative journey through displays, class art galleries and community sharing events.
- A clear progression of skill as children grow within the school.
How we provide additional support to those struggling and stretch and deepen the learning of the ‘rapid-graspers’:
- All children will be supported to explore the resources and media available. Where applicable children will revisit skills learnt previously so that they are able to progress safely.
- Children who have demonstrated that they have a secure understanding are challenged further through pre-planned individual research, exploration and use of resources.
- Misconceptions are addressed to the whole class promptly.
Formative assessment
- Immediate feedback and mini plenaries are used throughout lessons so that teachers can intervene swiftly to help pupils.
- Peer to peer feedback where appropriate.
- Individual verbal feedback or marked feedback to any pieces of artwork, focused on the creative journey and not only the end piece.
Summative assessment
Photographic evidence and work seen in children’s Topic books.