Fox Hill Primary School Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Page
Welcome to our Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) page . Within this page, you will see a variety of ways in which Fox Hill Primary School is able to support pupils with SEND to reach their full potential. Every child at school has the opportunity to follow all National Curriculum subjects and we are passionate about ensuring all children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum. The school are committed to narrowing the attainment gap between SEND and non-SEND children and ensuring all of our pupils make good progress from their starting points. To do this, we aim to offer strong quality first teaching, a range of in-school, short-term, and home-school intervention learning programmes/ interventions developed on an individual needs basis, and access to a range of services.
Fox Hill Primary School are committed to ensuring the best equality of education and opportunities for all pupils, staff, parents/ carers and other stakeholders, irrespective of race, gender, disability, religion and belief, or socio-economic background. We aim to develop a culture of true inclusion and diversity in which all those connected to the school feel proud of their identity and able to participate fully in school life. We want all of our pupils and families to see themselves reflected in our curriculum, and work hard to remove barriers to learning so all of our pupils can succeed.
SEND - areas of need
We are a main stream school that provides for pupils with a wide range of special needs, including difficulties with:
You will find all information regarding how we identify and support these needs, in our SEND Policy with additional details outlined in the Information Report.
Graduated Approach
In line with SEND Code of Practice (2015), we follow the graduated approach to SEND identification, support and provision. This means we follow a four-part cycle of assess, plan, do, review, as seen in the diagram below.
Assess: A clear analysis of the pupil’s need in relation to SEND should be carried out and reviewed regularly. This will include teachers’ assessments and experiences of the pupil, their previous progress and attainment, the views of the pupil and their family and additional advice from the SENCO and/or any external agencies.
Plan: Parents will be formally notified if their child is identified as having SEND. The SENCO will have a consultation with the child and their family to agree the interventions and support needed as well as the expected impact on progress and development. This meeting should also identify a clear review date.
Do: The subject teachers remain responsible for working directly with these pupils each lesson. Pupils may also access 1:1 or group interventions with Teaching Assistants. Specialist staff from external agencies may also be called in to support pupils.
Review: The impact and quality of any interventions and support will be closely monitored to determine the impact they are having on pupil progress.
Collaboration - the pupil-centred approach
At Fox Hill Primary School, children and parents will be at the heart of decision-making, ensuring high quality education pathways are carefully planned around the specific needs of the children. We believe in working in partnership with parents and will never make a decision about your child's support without your input and ideas.
If your child has a special educational need, or a disability, and you would like to know more about what we offer at Fox Hill Primary School please read the information in our SEND Policy and Information Report or contact us if you wish to discuss anything further.
Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo) and Inclusion Lead is Mrs Rachel Burbridge.
Mrs Burbridge is also the Senior Mental Health Lead (SMHL) and Designated Teacher at Fox Hill Primary School).
If you need to contact Mrs Burbridge please call the school on 01344 421809 or contact via email using
Our Governor with responsibility for SEND is Mrs. Susan Cahill.
Below are some useful links to support with cognition and learning needs.
Below are some useful links to support with SEMH needs in children.
Below are some useful links to support with speech and language development