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Computing at Fox Hill Primary School




Intent - What our children will learn

At Fox Hill Primary School, we want our pupils to be supported and challenged by a high-quality computing curriculum that promotes and ignites values and experiences in order for them to become safe, responsible and competent participants within the computing world. In order to do so, we use Purple Mash which we believe promotes kindness, curiosity, self-belief and pride. When children leave Fox Hill Primary School, we want each learner to have reached their full-potential so that they can be confident users and responsible digital citizens who are ready to meet the challenges of their digital future.


Implementation - How we teacher computing at Fox Hill 

The children are designated one lesson of computing learning a week. Within that hour, we use Purple Mash as a scheme of work to deliver the statutory aspects of the National Curriculum. Purple Mash is an award-winning website packed with creative tools, educational games and themed resources that has everything the children need to access the computing curriculum in one secure place. We believe that Purple Mash provides teachers with a good subject knowledge of computing to deliver a curriculum that is inspiring and children feel enthusiastic about their learning. It has been tailored to meet the specific needs of our pupils and deliver the full curriculum in a fun and progressive way. This is also to ensure continuity and progression of skills across year groups. Computing is branched into three aspects: Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy. We also try to incorporate Computing in other aspects of the curriculum. For example using spreading in Maths, Kindle for whole class reading, Google quizzes etc.

In KS1, pupils will be taught to:

  • Understand what algorithms are; how they are implemented as programs on digital devices; and that programs execute by following precise and unambiguous instructions
  • Create and debug simple programs
  • Use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs
  • Use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content
  • Recognise common uses of information technology beyond school
  • Use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies

As they move onto KS2, pupils will be taught to:

  • Design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals, including controlling or simulating physical systems; solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts
  • Use sequence, selection, and repetition in programs; work with variables and various forms of input and output
  • Use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and to detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs
  • Understand computer networks including the internet; how they can provide multiple services, such as the world wide web, and the opportunities they offer for communication and collaboration
  • Use search technologies effectively, appreciate how results are selected and ranked, and be discerning in evaluating digital content
  • Select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information
  • Use technology safely, respectfully and responsible
  • Recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour
  • Identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact


Impact - This is what our children have learnt 

At Fox Hill Primary School, we feel the way we implement Computing will not only be enjoyable, but also valued. We want children to explore in depth by asking ‘why’, not just ‘how’. Our aim is for children to be digitally literate and be able to join the rest of the world on its digital platform. During their years at Fox Hill, pupils will be able to apply their learning and skills in other areas, to use technology effectively and most importantly safely. We want our children to understand the consequences of using the internet, and to be aware of how to keep themselves safe online. Pupils at Fox Hill Primary School will be confident in their abilities, enabling them to problem solve, think logically and self-evaluate.


Computing National Curriculum Requirements for KS1 and KS2

Curriculum Overview of Computing

Progression of Knowledge and Skills in Computing

Progression of Online Safety in Computing

Pupil Voice KS2

E-Safety at Fox Hill Primary School

E-Safety is an essential part of keeping children safe. At Fox Hill Primary School, we believe that we all have a role to play in ensuring that children are kept safe whilst using technology. Children have access to an ever-increasing range of technology that links to the internet, including tablets, phones, TV’s and games consoles. A large proportion of their exposure to and use of the internet takes part outside of school.


Below you will find a range of useful resources and links to advice which can help you to keep your child safe in the digital world.


  • Don’t be afraid to set boundaries for your family in the digital world as you would do in the real world.
  • Get comfortable with the technologies your son or daughter enjoys – challenge them to a game on the Xbox or PlayStation or learn how they communicate with friends or people they don’t know, via gaming and social networking sites such as This may not be the same way that you use apps such as Whatsapp.
  • Converse openly with your child to understand what they post and share online and help them understand that once something has been submitted, it can be seen by anyone and is available on the web forever, even if the photo/video/comments are taken down/deleted.
  • Learn some tips from your friends and family how they support their child using technology – you might be surprised by their experiences.
  • Social networking websites, games consoles and search engines all have Parental Controls/Tools that can assist you in locking down features of the technology to make it more child friendly. Remember when you first download an app, the settings will be set to ‘public’.
  • Ensure that you have conversations about all the incredible benefits that technology can bring but don’t shy away from difficult subjects like responsible online behaviour, and bullying.
  • Expensive technology can make your child a target of criminals so remind them to keep any device well-hidden to minimise the risk of theft.

Remember that services such as Instagram and Facebook require the individual to be at least 13 years of age. This means that issues children under that age experience using such sites, are not often acknowledged or addressed by the providers.


Useful resources for information and advice

The NSPCC site has great resources tailor made to help parents have positive conversations with their children about online safety.


Net aware is a fantastic site that explains different apps and is regularly updated. It also has children’s opinions on what is good, and what can be upsetting, on each app. Lots of advice on how to change the settings of apps to make them safer.


This site gives advice to parents and carers. It also hosts Safer Internet Day each year.


CEOP is the National Crime Agency’s Child Exploitation Online Protection Command. Amongst other information, it provides a child friendly way of reporting inappropriate or criminal online behavior. Parents and carers, children and professionals can report criminal online activity through the site.


ThinkUknow, ChildNet and ParentPort give advice and support to inform parents and carers:


CEOP and ParentZone have worked together to make another site of useful studies, research and resources.


Advice on making devices safer


Tablet and eReaders:

Gaming devices:



The sites below advise on the issues of online bullying and the ways in which children can be supported to avoid bullying themselves, and how to act if bullied.

