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Year 3

Look at our Year 3 children's learning on our Fox Hill School 'X' Page by clicking: #foxhill3 




Mrs Luxon, Ms Ellis, Miss Waller, Mrs Fox and Mrs Parsons look forward to working with your children during the Summer Term. 





Year 3 Curriculum 2023-24

Year 3 termly Curriculum Newsletters 2023-24

Look at what our Year 3 children have been learning about on our school Twitter Page by searching  #foxhill3  




Spring 2, week 4 


Year 3 had an amazing week! We have been conducting numerous scientific experiments, participated in a live science lesson, tested our reaction time and even made ice cube shelters.

Additionally, Year 3 have been sharing their fabulous homework projects!

Well done!




Spring 2, week 3 


We had a truly eventful week in Year 3!

In science we examined different types of rocks. In our English lessons we wrote free verse poems about ancient Egypt and on Wednesday we had a super exciting Egyptian workshop! It was magical! 
Some of Year 3 children shared their fabulous homework projects and Mrs Yau was really excited to see that her students put a lot of effort into their research.

On Friday we celebrated World Book Day. It was wonderful to see so many different literary characters in the clasroom!


Spring 2, week 2


This week, Year 3 have been working really hard. In our DT lessons we finished working on our mini stitching project, the results were simply amazing! In Maths we were multiplying and dividing by 10. In our English lessons we have been practising writing different types of poems.





Spring 2, week 1


It has been a super busy week in year 3!

Firstly, we had a go at different types of stitching in our DT lessons. In science the children learnt about different types of rocks and we even made our own sedimentary and metamorphic rocks out of chocolate chips! It was so much fun! In Geography we used the atlases to learn about the continent of South America. 
Additionally, some of the children presented their amazing homework projects. They were truly inspiring!



Spring 1, week 4


Year 3 worked really hard in all their lessons this week.

In science we discovered how shadows are formed. In Maths we were measuring objects in mixed units and calculating perimeters of 2-D shapes. Our favourite lesson this week was History as we got to mummify our tomatoes! 🍅





Spring 1, week 2


It was another exciting week in Year 3. We continue exploring Ancient Egypt with all its marvels.

In Art we created our pictures inspired by Egyptian artwork.

In Maths we we solving word problems using column addition and subtraction.

In Science we learnt about UV light and how to protect ourselves against the exposure to extreme sunlight. We experimented with different types of sun cream and UV beads.








Spring 1, week 1


Year 3 were super busy after coming back from Christmas holidays. On Wednesday, we discovered a message in a bottle in our classroom! It had been written by Rodophis who is the main character of the book called 'Cinderella on the Nile'. 
In French we learnt five new verbs and can’t wait to learn more!

In our Science lessons we talked about the different light sources.

We have also read all the lovely letters we received from our partner school in Zakopane, Poland 🇵🇱



Autumn 2, week 7


Year 3 had a super exciting week. The children were busy preparing their songs for the Festive Concert, baking gingerbread and making their own Christmas cards. 




Our tree won the PTA tree competition! 



Autumn 2, week 6


Year 3 had a tremendously busy week. In DT we made our own Christmas baubles and in Maths we learnt column addition without regrouping. In our Science lessons were examining if magnetic forces can act at a distance.





Autumn 2, week 5


Year 3 had an extremely productive week, in DT we constructed and evaluated our castles and in Maths we were using rounding to estimate answers for our calculations.






Autumn 2, week 4


This week Year 3 were extremely excited to share their latest homework projects.

In our Geography lessons we had the opportunity to learn about India 🇮🇳 and discover some fascinating information about its capital.

In our DT lesson we used our knowledge of 3D shapes to start creating our own castles and in Science we were busy discovering magnetic properties of everyday objects.



Autumn 2, week 3


This week Year 3 have been working really hard. In Science we learnt about friction whereas in our Maths lessons we continued comparing pictograms and bar charts, and then proceeded to use number bonds when calculating mentally. In our English lessons we were talking about the feelings of various characters within the story we are reading. Furthermore, in DT we have been learning about 3D shapes and in Geography lessons we compared modern maps of Bracknell to those from 150 years ago!


Remembrance Day 


To commemorate the importance of the Remembrance Day this year the children created their own poppies and their French equivalent, "the cornflowers". Out of their amazing work we created these wonderful posters. 



Autumn 2, week 2


It has been a very eventful week! The children were busy sharing their amazing homework projects. In Science we learnt about contact and non-contact forces. In our Maths lessons we talked about pictograms and bar charts which help us when analysing data, whereas our English lessons centred around four types of sentences. 



Autumn 1, week 7


This week Year 3 were very busy producing their Stone Age inspired art. In Geography we learnt about various kinds of settlements whereas in our English lessons we were predicting what is going to happen to the main characters of the book we are reading based on the evidence from the text. 



Autumn 1, week 6


Year 3 had a super busy week. In Art we used natural ingredients to produce our own prehistoric paint. In History we compared the Neolitic Era to the Iron Age, and in Science we learnt about the human skeleton. In English we wrote some extremely interesting diary entries. Furthermore, in Maths we were comparing 3-digit numbers. Well done Year 3!



Autumn 1, week 5


It has been such a busy week in Year 3!

This week we have created Stone Age inspired charcoal pictures of various animals. In our History lessons we discussed the importance of trade in Iron Age Britain and in Maths we were examining different strategies which allow us to improve our addition and subtraction skills. 

Additionally, we celebrated together the Harvest Festival, made beautiful harvest wreaths and participated in a live lesson!




Autumn 1, week 4


This week we have been extremely busy. In our RE lessons the children have explored Hinduism and in our Science lessons we learnt more facts about the nutritional values of different types of food we eat. 

On the 26th of September Year 3 celebrated the European Day of Languages, our friends taught us how to say 'hello' in all the amazing languages they know. It was absolutely amazing to learn so many new things! 



Autumn 1, week 3


This week we have been exploring characters from the book 'Stone Age Boy' through drama. In Maths we have learnt how to apply number bonds within 20 to add and subtract with regrouping. The children have worked super hard! In our History lessons we used archeological evidence to investigate the Bronze Age. 



Autumn 1, week 2


This week Year 3 were exteremely busy working on their vocabulary skills. In Maths we practised our understanding of place value. Furthermore, in Science we have been exploring five key food groups. 




Autumn 1, week 1


Year 3 have been extremely busy this week. Together, we read the book 'Our Class is a Family' and created our portraits in the Style of Nate Williams. In History we discussed timelines and even managed to create our own timeline in the playground!




Welcome to Year 3


Madame Yau, Mrs Gleeson, Mrs Fox and Mrs Parsons look forward to working with the class this year.

This term we will be learning about the Stone Age during our topic work.


Our Curriculum Newsletter sets out the information we’ll be learning in each subject this term. If you have expertise in any of the subjects we are learning, or a cultural event you would like to share with the children, then please do let us know.


Our curriculum newsletter provides information about what we will be learning in each subject area this term and we will also make links to our topic across other areas of the curriculum.

As well as the work we do in class we would like to consolidate the children’s learning by asking them to complete a homework project. There are several options, as set out in the document below. Your child should choose one option to focus on, and this should be completed and returned to school by 8th March.


The information below will tell you more about the timetable and structure of life in year 3, as well as how you can help your child at home.


P.E: Year 3 will have PE on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please ensure your child comes to school wearing their PE kit on both of these days.


Library: Our library day will be a Friday. We will encourage children to select appropriate books to read independently or a book that we can read with them. The children will also have opportunity to read books from our reading corner.


Reading books: We are committed to developing your children as enthusiastic and confident readers and will be issuing them with a banded reading book to support this. An accelerated reader programme has also been launched across the school. You can read more on the accelerated reader website


We will be aiming to read with your child at least once each week, but it is important that they also read at home. Please try to read with your child and record in their reading record at least 3 times each week and more if you are able to.


Spelling: By the end of Year 4, children are expected to know all of the Year 3 and 4 spellings which you can see below. Given the amount of time children have been out of school, we recognise that some children also need assistance with some Year 1 and 2 spellings. We will be working on these words in school and it would be great if the children could practise them at home too. 


The children will have 10 spellings sent home on a Friday and they will be tested on these spellings a week later, so please spend time revising them at home. The children all have access to Spelling Shed games to support their learning. The guide below gives instructions for how to access this if your child needs help. 










Times tables: All children should have access to Times Tables Rock Stars to allow them to improve their multiplication facts. If you do not have your child's login details please let us know.


Below is a useful fact sheet for up to the 9 times table. If you know the facts on this sheet then you will also know the other related times table facts as the numbers can be swapped around. For example, by knowing that 2x6=12 you then also know that 6x2=12. I wonder if this might help you to know your times tables more quickly?!



