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Year 1

Look at our Year 1 children's learning on our Fox Hill School 'X' Page by searching:  #foxhill1 

Welcome to Year 1


Miss Nutting and Mrs McRae look forward to working with your children this year.

Year 1 Curriculum 2024-25

Year 1 termly Curriculum Newsletters 2024-25

Reading: Your child will have a fully phonetically decodable book that matches the phonic phase that your child is confidently working within. This book will have been read in class and by re-reading at home, it lets the children encounter words and phrases enough times to remember them. It builds confidence and helps the words move from short term to long term memory. Also, once your child is familiar with a story, you have an opportunity to support their comprehension skills. Talk about the ideas in the book, perhaps noticing things they missed the first time, or making links between the different events in the story.


You can access your child's account by following the link below and using the login details that have been provided:


Your child will also bring home a reading for pleasure book each week; please read this and their phonics book with them. After any reading with your child, please complete your child's Reading Record, bringing this back to school daily.


In Year 1, P.E. will take place on a Tuesday and Wednesday this term.  Please make sure the children come to school wearing their PE kit on these days.


The children will continue to have daily phonics sessions in Year 1. We are following the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised scheme of learning. It is important for the children to continue to recognise sounds within words and to segment and blend the sounds fluently. They need to also understand and recognise that some words cannot be segmented and blended and have to be read by sight, they are sometimes known as 'tricky words' 


If you would like some support on how the sounds are pronounced, the different graphemes that represent the sounds and how we segment and blend please follow the link below.

Tricky words

Your child needs to be able to read and write the tricky words found below. We will be focussing on these this term so any support with learning them at home would be greatly appreciated.


As part of our maths lessons, we are working on correct number formation. Please see the guide below which indicates with a red dot where to begin each number.


