Welcome to Year 5
Mrs Filisetti and Mrs Plumley look forward to working with your children this year.
Year 5 Curriculum 2023-24
Year 5 termly Curriculum Newsletters 2023-24
As with all previous years, it is very important that Year 5 children read as much as possible at home and also discuss their book with an adult.
Children also need to know all of their times tables, so please support them with this too - they can use Times Tables Rock Stars.
Spelling homework is due in every Tuesday (or earlier!) The children will be tested on the spellings used in their homework each week.
Each half term the children will also be set a project to work on at home which the children will share with the class before the half term break.
This half term's project is detailed below:
Year 5 PE sessions will be taught on a Monday and a Thursday.
Please ensure that children wear their PE kit to school on these days - they should be in school PE kit.
Lessons will be outside as much as possible, so please ensure children are appropriately dressed
as the weather gets colder.
Long hair should be tied up and no jewellery should be worn for health and safety reasons.