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Year 4

Look at our Year 4 children's learning on our Fox Hill School 'X' Page by clicking:  #foxhill4 

Welcome to Year 4


Mrs Richardson is pleased to welcome everyone back to school after the Easter holidays.  Hopefully, you found some time to rest over the break and enjoyed the beginnings of brighter weather. 


This term is going to be very busy for Year 4 pupils. We will soon be taking part in the MTC (Multiplication Tables Check) and we also have our class assembly to look forward to at the very end of term. The summer holidays will be here before we know it and we must make the most of every learning opportunity over the coming weeks. 


We continue to reinforce and praise pupils for following our school rules:

Be ready

Be respectful

Be safe

Year 4 Curriculum 2023-24

Summer Term Homework letter

Year 4 termly Curriculum Newsletters 2023-24

Our curriculum newsletter provides information about what we will be learning in each subject area this term and we will also make links to our topic across other areas of the curriculum.


Our history topic for the first half term is Were the Vikings raiders, traders or settlers?

After the half term break, our geography topic will be Where does our food come from?



To support our learning in school, we would also like the children to complete a termly homework project, based on our learning in school. As much as possible, please encourage the children to complete this project independently, but please do help them to practise their delivery, so that they are confident about speaking loudly and clearly to the whole class when presenting their project work.

This project is in addition to our general homework expectations of reading and practising TTRS daily at home, as well as completing weekly spellings, English and Maths sheets that are sent home. 

Useful information about year 4:


As the term goes on, the weather will inevitably get warmer and we ask that you send your child to school with a cap and wearing sun cream (applied at home in the morning).


Pupils should also bring a water bottle to school so that they are able to stay hydrated throughout the day. We do have a few spare cups if water bottles are occasionally forgotten. Please bear in mind that water bottles should be stored in chair pouches and so should be of a sensible size. Please also remember that we ask for pupils to have water in their bottles and not juice.



This term, our PE days are Wednesday and Friday.  

Wednesday is our swimming day and children should come to school with all of the necessary equipment/clothing for these lessons.

On Friday, pupils should come to school wearing their PE kit.

Please remember that earrings should be covered or removed (at home) on PE days.


Reading books: 

The children should be bringing their Accelerated Reader reading books into school every day, so that we are able to read with them whenever there is the opportunity. They should then take their reading books home each evening, to allow you the opportunity to hear them read each evening. Please make a note in your child’s reading record whenever you have heard them read, even just a date and signature can help us to see who is reading at home.



Each Tuesday we will send home ten new spellings to learn, ready for a spelling test on the following Monday. There are lots of different ways to learn spellings, so perhaps experiment with various methods until you discover the most effective method for your child. As a minimum, the children are expected to complete the sheet that we provide each week, where they should write out their new spellings repeatedly. Fun games are also available on EdShed (Spelling Shed), which match their weekly spellings. 

We also encourage pupils to find out the meaning of words and demonstrate an understanding of how to use the word in a sentence. 

The statutory spellings word list for Year 3 and 4 are below, children are expected to be able to spell these by the end of Year 4. These words are in addition to our weekly spelling words.



Times Tables: 

In Year 4, pupils take part in a Multiplication Tables Check (MTC). This is now fast approaching and it is imperative that pupils are practising at home as well as in school. 


Through regular use of Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS), pupils can improve their speed and accuracy in preparation for the official MTC which will be a very similar format to the TTRS 'soundcheck' game. TTRS games take only a few minutes, but it is amazing to see the difference that regular practise can make and of course being familiar with the format can make the official MTC much less daunting. We really appreciate your support with this.
