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Primary School

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Year 5


It is very important that children in Year 5 read regularly - they all have a school reading book and reading record which they should be bringing home and using every day.



They also need to practise their times tables regularly as this will help them in almost all other areas of Maths.  All children have a log in for Times Tables Rock Stars and we encourage them to use this at home as well as at school.



Every Tuesday, Year 5 children will be given a piece of Spelling homework.  This needs to be completed and returned to school by the following Tuesday when they will also have a spelling test in class.



Each half term, the class will be set a project to work on at home which will link with the work they are doing in school.  This will be shared in class at the end of the half term to give everyone the chance to see what their classmates have produced.  This half term's project is detailed below:

Autumn first half term project - Extreme Earth
